Salute e Sviluppo has been working for more than 25 years following the example of St. Camillus de Lellis, founder of the Clerics Regular Ministers of the Infirm (Camillians) and universal patron of the sick and infirm. The focus of most of our projects is health, and with the help of the Camillians – present in more than 40 countries around the world – we try to intervene in all those areas where there are shortages. The complete synergy between us and the Camillian communities around the world makes our projects, all of which are designed to improve the living and health conditions of the populations most in need, long-lasting and rooted in the territory.
Today 25 May, the anniversary of the birth of St. Camillus, we want to tell you about one of the latest health projects we have just inaugurated: ‘Purchase of laboratory equipment for the Luigi Tezza Health Centre in Kokumbo’.
Kokumbo is a village in Côte d’Ivoire, a country that despite steady economic growth still has many shortcomings, especially in rural areas. To combat this situation, the Daughters of St. Camillus have been present in the country for more than 10 years, carrying out health and welfare projects.
Thanks to their constant commitment, the Blessed Luigi Tezza Health Centre was established in 2009, near the villages of Kokumbo and Niamkey Konankro, about 50 km from the administrative capital of the country Yamoussoukro. Since its inception, the centre has been a key health hub for the local population, who have been able to benefit from the support of the missionaries and from medical consultations and treatment for a variety of diseases, including Buruli Ulcer.
Despite the efficiency of the centre, it is currently still only possible to carry out basic diagnostic tests, but not in-depth analyses that would allow the early diagnosis of numerous other diseases.
We at Salute e Sviluppo have decided to take action, committing ourselves for the next six months to purchase the instruments required by the centre, including: a water distiller, an autoclave for sterilising working instruments, a water bath, a thermostat and an ichroma II immunology reader, which allows more accurate values to be provided for immunological examinations, and a laminar flow hood, which protects the operator and the working environment from pathogenic microorganisms. At the end of this period, the health centre will be able to perform all the specific examinations necessary for the well-being of the local population.
We are happy to be able to be at the side of the Daughters of St. Camillus, jointly pursuing the mission of improving the living and health conditions of all individuals in need, following the example of St. Camillus de Lellis.
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