Thanks to the Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, we have the opportunity to be – once again – close to the Peruvian population in need. We have already told you how thanks to them we were able to help children in Lima hospitals suffering from congenital hyperinsulinism (HC), a very rare endocrine disease, to receive the right life-saving drug – Diazoxide.
Very recently, we started another project, again in synergy with the Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidarias San Francisco, ‘Polyclinic equipped for Huancavelica – in favour of the less affluent in the third age’. Huancavelica is one of the poorest regions in the whole of Peru, in particular the outpatient clinic is located near the district of Caja Espiritu, in the city of Acobamba. In this specific area live nine communities in extreme difficulty, especially the elderly who need urgent help: very often their children emigrate to the big cities to find work and they are left alone in poverty.
The Asociación Corazones & Manos Solidaria has decided to take action to improve the living conditions of these elderly people: in six months, medicines, nutritional supplements, hygiene items and everything necessary to make the outpatient clinic more functional will be purchased. All this will be provided at a symbolic price to the 120 severely distressed elderly in these communities. The symbolic price is necessary to make the project sustainable and continuous over time: the money raised will be used to buy back all the material once it is finished.
Not only medical and food equipment, but also numerous activities are planned: support groups, prevention meetings, spiritual reinforcement, all necessary to support the elderly in their loneliness, creating a network of solidarity and support. In addition, numerous garments have already been provided to those who – in greater difficulty – do not have the possibility of buying their own.
We are very happy to be able to participate in the project, supporting the local community. We will keep you updated on all news!
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