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In Pakistan for social and economic inclusion

Pakistan, despite progress and economic growth, faces significant challenges related to poverty and inequality in the social and economic inclusion of the most vulnerable people, particularly in rural districts.

An example, is Okara district in the north of the country, where agriculture and livestock breeding are the main activities, but without generating income for small landowners and livestock breeders who, due to low productivity, can barely meet their family’s food needs through the crops.

Thanks to the funding from Caritas Italiana, incollaboration with the Camillian Lay Family (FLC), last November we launched a Micro-project to promote the social and economic inclusion of families in this District.
Three families in extreme need have been identified: large families, with a lack of income and without support from the local administration, who do not have access to enough food for their basic needs.

The Micro-project works directly to improve their livelihoods and their social and economic inclusion in the community.
Firstly, three buffaloes for milk production were provided to the families to support them. Through training courses, they acquired technical and practical skills, needed for animal husbandry and for the processes of extracting and maintaining milk.


Part of the milk produced is used to feed the families, while a part is sold in the local market, thus ensuring a source of income.

Secondly, a local expert trainer provides training, involving families and the community, on the importance of dairy products as a source of animal protein and a preferred food in the daily diet. Awareness-raising sessions on food and nutrition safety have been also organised, in which information materials distributed showing some good food practices in a simple and straightforward way.


#internationalcooperation, pakistan, sustainable development

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