We at Salute e Sviluppo are particularly happy to announce the conclusion of the Healthy Milk Project in Burkina Faso: it was a long and demanding adventure that saw us in the Bagré area for five years, but which in the end gave its fruits and satisfactions.
We have often talked about Burkina Faso and the living conditions of the local population: in particular, the central eastern area of the country has seen us engaged in numerous projects, All aimed at increasing the quality of life of those living in this particularly poor region and proven from the point of view of food and health. Deficit appears to be the production of milk that is either imported or – very often – is infected due to sick and uncontrolled animals. Salute e Sviluppo decided to enter into this context with the aim of remedying this lack.
In 2017 began the activities that, financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) through the funds of 8×1000 to the Catholic Church, proceed expeditiously until the following year. In 2018 the situation in the country changes radically: a strong political and social instability makes Burkina Faso dangerous and, consequently, the movement of human and material resources suffers a slowdown. Then global pandemic caused a new stoppage.
About a year ago, work started again and led to the completion of the structural and architectural works, which, in recent months, have been equipped with all the necessary machinery, shipped from Italy by container. The project involved several stages: before the construction of a stable and the purchase of livestock, all cows were imported into the area, quarantined and checked by local veterinarians who ensured their health. In a second step, special premises were set up for milking, milk collection, packaging and all dairy production activities. This last stage saw p. Felice de Miranda, President of Salute e Sviluppo, on a mission in Burkina Faso with two experts who taught local communities to work properly with milk and produce various types of products, from yogurt to fresh and aged cheese.
Salute e Sviluppo’s project was designed to have more than one beneficiary: on the one hand all those who are employed in the various activities of the supply chain receive an income and have the opportunity to work and support their families, locals can finally have access to a whole series of products not available at the local market, having, however, the certainty of eating healthy food. These products will also serve to supply the local schools and Camillian hospitals, to improve the food conditions of children and the weakest.
Salute e Sviluppo activities have as a fundamental requirement to be absolutely sustainable, rooted in the territory and fundamental for the autonomous development of the local population. This project is proof of this: the training of staff was the last piece of the project – but one of the most important – now the premises have the opportunity to proceed independently improving and increasing dairy production.
The support of the local Camillians who first identified the need to help the area of Bagré and who assisted us during all the activities was decisive. Even now, despite the end of our project, we are certain that their support will be essential to ensure that the dairy industry continues to function properly.
We thank the CEI for giving us the opportunity to carry out a project that will improve the living conditions of the people of Burkina Faso, much tried and tested by the situation of their country and for this even more in need of help.
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